Applied Micro in Stata Workshop, RoME 2022
Introduction to the workshop [slides]
“Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide” (Gentzkow and Shapiro, 2014): [PDF] [slides]
“Women's Empowerment in Action: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Africa” (Bandiera et al., 2020): [PDF] [slides] [original replication package]
“Copyrights and Creativity: Evidence from Italian Opera in the Napoleonic Age“ (Giorcelli and Moser, 2020): [PDF] [slides] [original replication package]
“Did Unilateral Divorce Laws Raise Divorce Rates? A Reconciliation and New Results“ (Wolfers, 2006): [PDF] [slides] [original replication package]
“Two-Way Fixed Effects and Differences-in-Differences with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: A Survey” (De Chaisemartin and D'Haultfoeuille, forthcoming): [PDF] [replication package]
“Does Extending Unemployment Benefits Improve Job Quality?“ (Nekoei and Weber, 2017): [PDF] [slides] [original replication package]
“Regression Discontinuity Designs“ (Cattaneo and Titiunik, 2022): [PDF]
“Bartik Instruments: What, When, Why, and How“ (Goldsmith-Pinkham et al., 2020): [PDF] [slides] [original replication package] [bartik_weight.ado] [bartik_weight.sthlp]
“Immigration and Inequality“ (Card, 2009): [PDF]
Due 7/12/2022 [PDF]
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