
“Differences in On-the-Job Learning across Firms” (with Fernando Saltiel)

- Forthcoming in Journal of Labor Economics [PDF, Online Appendix, Replication, Journal Link]

“Career Consequences of Firm Heterogeneity for Young Workers: First Job and Firm Size”

- Journal of Labor Economics, 2024, 42:2, 549-589. [PDF, Online Appendix, Replication, Journal Link]

Coverage: [WirtschaftsWoche] [IZA Newsroom]

“The Effect of Labor Market Conditions at Entry on Workers’ Long-Term Skills”

- The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022, 104(5): 1028-1045. [PDF, Online Appendix, Replication, Journal Link]

Non-technical summary: [Nada es Gratis blog entry]

“Displacement, Diversity, and Mobility: Career Impacts of Japanese American Internment“

- The Journal of Economic History, 2022, 82(1), 126-174. [PDF, Online Appendix, Replication, Journal Link]

[Data-driven teaching of Japanese American Internment to 8th graders]

“Who Gets their First Job at a Large Firm? The Distinct Roles of Education and Skills”

- AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021, 111: 465-69. [PDF, Replication, Journal Link]

“The Global COVID-19 Student Survey: First Wave Results”

(with David A. Jaeger, Krzysztof Karbownik, Marta Martínez-Matute, John Nunley, R. Alan Seals, and 37 others)

- Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers, 2021, Issue 79: 152-217. [PDF, Journal Link] [IZA DP No. 14419]

Non-technical summary: [Nada es Gratis blog entry]

Working Papers

“The Role of Firms and Job Mobility in the Assimilation of Immigrants: Former Soviet Union Jews in Israel 1990–2019" (with Shmuel San)

- Revise and Resubmit at Journal of the European Economic Association

[PDF, updated June 2024] [CESifo WP No. 11177, May 2024] [IZA DP No. 16389, Aug. 2023]

Coverage: [La Mañana]

“One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap“

(with Nicola Bianchi, Salvatore Lattanzio, and Matteo Paradisi) VisitINPS Fellowship Program

[PDF, updated January 2025] [IZA DP No. 17621, Jan. 2025] [NBER WP No. 32612, June 2024]

Coverage: [Marginal Revolution] [The Great Gender Divergence] [CNBC] [Bloomberg] [Fortune] [El Confidencial] [] [Kellogg Insight] [Rocking Our Priors podcast]

Non-technical summary: [VoxEU column]

“Mafias and Firms” (with Marco De Simoni, Luigi Guiso, Rocco Macchiavello, Domenico Marchetti, and Mounu Prem)

[PDF, updated January 2025] [Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) WP No. 24, Nov. 2024] [CEPR DP No. 18982, March 2024] [IZA DP No. 16893, March 2024] [CESifo WP No. 11043, March 2024]

Coverage: [VoxTalks Economics podcast] [Radiocor] [Gazzetta di Mantova] []

Non-technical summary: [Rivista Eco: link, PDF]

“Unbundling the Effects of College on First-Job Search: Returns to Majors, Minors, and Extracurriculars”

(with Carolina Bussotti, John M. Nunley and R. Alan Seals)

[PDF, updated December 2024] [IZA DP No. 17552, Dec. 2024] [slides]

“A Second Soul: Age at Immigration, Language, and Cultural Assimilation”

(with Kobi Mizrahi and Shmuel San) UniCredit Foundation Modigliani Research Grant

[PDF, updated February 2025]

“Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants in 15 Destination Countries”

(with Leah Boustan, Mathias Fjællegaard Jensen, and 35 others)

[PDF, February 2025] [CEPR DP No. 20003, Mar. 2025] [IZA DP No. 17711, Feb. 2025]

Selected Work in Progress

“The Labor Implications of Brand Capital: Insights from Trademark Transactions in Italy“

(with Carolina Bussotti, Matteo Paradisi, and Liangjie Wu) VisitINPS Scholars Program

“The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Skilled Mass Migration on Innovation and Growth”

(with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, Maor Milgrom, and Shmuel San)

“Human Capital Investments over the Business Cycle” (with Dita Eckardt)


Mafia, Politics, and Machine Predictions, by Campedelli, Daniele, and Le Moglie [Dec. 2024, slides]

The Value of Skills: New Evidence From Apprenticeship Plans, by Langer and Wiederhold [Feb. 2022, slides]

It Ain’t Where You’re From, It’s Where You’re At: Hiring Origins, Firm Heterogeneity, and Wages, by Di Addario, Kline, Saggio, and Sølvsten [Dec. 2021, slides]

Trust Unraveled: The Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War, by Tur-Prats and Valencia-Caicedo [Mar. 2018, slides]